Comfort Zones are SO Boring!

It really upsets me knowing such a huge majority of the population of the world are missing out on living a limitless, fearless and absolutely AMAZING life they were in fact born to live.  I see too many people putting limitations on themselves, saying things like “I can’t do that!”, “He/ She may be able to do that, but I certainly can’t!”.. It’s like this warped idea we have in our minds that we aren’t good enough or we aren’t enough, so why bother even trying?  It’s almost as if it’s supposed to be an accepted societal view we grow into more and more as we get older.

I don’t know about you, but I get such a thrill when I go CRAZY and do things outside of the norm! When I’m able to break through my comfort zone and just try something different and prove to myself that anything is possible.  I remember finally working up the courage to go and try Crossfit one day early last year, I remember being at my gym and FINALLY deciding to go to the weights room instead of just doing cardio the whole time. OH! and I remember finally deciding to start my personal training certification last year! All these things have led me to be the happiest I could have ever imagined and have bought about SO MANY opportunities and experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today.

My point is, is that living in comfort zones are SO boring.  I know every single one of us love that feeling of being comfortable and feeling safe, but I promise you, when you finally give yourself permission to just step outside of it, to feel the earth beneath your feet (in a literal sense) you’ll find that there is so much more to life than you ever could have imagined! You’ll feel absolutely empowered and gain more confidence than you ever thought possible!

SO! Moral of the story, take this new week as a sign that it’s time to stop living comfortably, it’s time to start doing things that you actually want to be doing and NOT holding back- Life’s far too short for that! Finally start that exercise program you’ve been dreaming of, go and bake that master chef dish for your family you’ve been dying to try or go write that business plan for that business idea you had years ago.  Trust me when I say, you never know where these things can lead to.

Step outside your comfort zone and allow yourself to be finned and surrounded by limitless opportunities.  It will be magical.


2 Comments Add yours

  1. AP says:

    I agree with my whole heart! Magic is only out of reach if we choose to believe that we can’t get out of where we are now. Thank you for sharing. A:)ex

    1. So glad you agree! It’s true that the only limits to human achievement are self-imposed. Thank you for stopping by my blog :)!

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