You CAN do anything with a little bit of P.R.E.P.A.R.A.T.I.O.N!

your title here (2)I’m super excited actually because this is my FIRST Blog entry! I cannot believe how long it’s taken me to get to this point, however its great to see a new chapter of my health and fitness journey is blossoming!

At the moment I’m following my absolute passion and am studying to be a personal trainer! (I’ve only got a few weeks left!! So excited!) But one of the things I  hear continuously, not just from people at the gym or college or university, but also close family and friends (yes, even under my religious influence of making healthy meals, exercising daily and  researching the latest crazes in health and fitness) is “I don’t have time to workout or to eat healthy like you!”.  WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?! It’s something I hear ALL the time and it drives me insane! I’ve been talking to some close family and friends and they agree, my very first post should be ablaut how to prepare yourself for a healthy, fruitful and simply AMAZING lifestyle.  One that embraces the beauty of moving daily, eating wholesome and delicious foods and simple loving the life you live (as stress free as possible!).

Let me let you in on a few little tips that have helped me to really really really put my best foot forward and lead the most fulfilling and ‘healthy’ lifestyle possible (even one that can still manage 5-7 days of working out and wholesome some, clean foods in university examination periods… let me tell you if I can do it, you can definitely do it!)

1. STOP SAYING I CANT!– Excuses are my absolute  hate! I cannot stand people who make excuses about why they cannot achieve what they want in life or lead a healthy lifestyle.  “I’m too tired”, “I don’t have enough money to go to the gym”, It’s too cold outside’ etc etc.  Let me just let you in on a little secret… If there’s a WILL there is certainly a WAY.  You are a limitless human being, the only limits that exist in this world are the ones you set for yourself.  Ditch the excuses and find a way that world for you to meet your goals! Get out of bed 30 minutes earlier to go for a run, spend your lunch break, not on the computer but going for a walk with your work friends! There is no time for excuses!

2. Set goals, then SMASH them! Each week to get me prepared for the week ahead (usually on a Sunday night), I love to write down in my diary the most important things I want to achieve in my career and fitness related life for the week ahead. Keep them on your phone- Make them your lock screen! Keep reminding yourself of these goals, you’ll find you’ll dedicate a lot more energy into achieving them, but most importantly develop the belief you actually can achieve them.

3. Cook your meals in advance! I know this seems like a daunting task, I really really do! I used to hate cooking, in fact I used to try and get out of it whenever possible.  I used to actually like eating Pizza and McDonalds because I loved how easy they were to buy and eat.  No preparation involved.  When I really started getting into my health and fitness  (when I started going to the gym regularly, about 3 years ago) I realised how amazing it is to actually be involved in the preparation of the food you eat!  It’s actually empowering to know exactly what your putting into your body! I like to use Sunday mornings to prepare my lunches, snacks (and dinners if necessary) for the next 3 days ahead.  I store everything in airtight containers, leave them in the fridge and take as needed.  I also take an esky to college or uni or wherever I’m going with all my food and drinks so I don’t have to eat anything else but my own food! (yes, I am indeed know as the crazy esky carrying girl by my friends who think it’s rather funny my esky is bigger than the bag I carry my uni or college books in). Preparing your breakfast the night before is also fabulous for anyone who finds their mornings are chaotic! I love to do this when I have personal training to attend nearly in the morning or have to rush off early! Try overnight oats, soaking oats in water or yoghurt overnight with your choice of fruit and nuts or even chop up some fruit for a smoothie, add some liquid and store in a bottle.  In the morning just whack it in the blender before you leave and in 1 minute flat you have yourself a breakfast!

4. Shop for your fresh produce LOCALLY! (no, not at your local Woolworth’s or Coles).  The Farmers markets are the perfect place to buy your fruit and vegetables (and many other things like organic beverages, soaps, flowers oh! And don’t forget honey, mmm!) for your busy week ahead! Every Saturday my Mum and I venture to our local farmers markets with a shopping list of fruit and veg we will need for recipes we will be cooking up that week.  We limit our budget to $50 too. .. not often though can we help ourselves to go over it.  Shopping this way not only reduces our fruit and vegetable costs (you’ll find its cheaper at your farmers markets for your usual produce) but it also reduced your exposure to nasty chemicals and pesticides found in store bought fruit and veg.  These are linked to numerous cancers and are best avoided!

Well look at that essay I’ve written, I think I’ve gotten a little bit too excited for my first blog post.  Nonetheless though, I hope I’ve inspired some ideas  within you 🙂

For ideas of the healthy meals I like to cook up and idea of how I stay active be sure to check out my instagram @corinneblight


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